Rattan Garden Furniture as Your Outdoor Furniture

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Outdoor rattan furniture is by far one of the best types of furniture you can use in your garden. The best part is rattan furniture is available in a massive range of styles. From the traditional dining sets to the most modern styles including outdoor sofa sets and day beds

What is Rattan

Rattan is the name for nearly 600 species of palms native to tropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Australasia. Rattan is a type of long vine that matures in tropical parts of the world. To manufacture furniture from this tree, cut and split rattan canes into manageable sections. Take through a process of steaming in order to make them soft and pliable. Then manipulating into the a shapes and sizes to produce the outdoor furniture.

Traditionally, some of the best types of rattan garden furniture produced have frames. Made of solid teak with weaves of rattan wrapped around to give it an authentic look. This combination is very durable and hardy, particularly in warm climates or in environments similar to where rattan grows naturally. The new adaptation of this type of manufacturing has replaced the solid teak frame with a powder coated. Teak frame with rust resistant aluminum frame which is more suitable for climate like the U.K.

How To Maintain Rattan Garden Furniture

Rattan is very easy to maintain and unlike hardwood and softwood garden furniture sets, rattan furniture does not require oiling, moisturizing or sanding down. Rattan retains its shape, colour, and strength for several years. Cleaning is very simple, wash all dust or dirt can easily use a hose pipe or an electric washing machine. For any minor cleaning that is required, wiping it with a damp cloth will more than suffice. One of Rattan’s main qualities is its ability to withstand the earth’s natural elements, which makes it highly suitable for outdoor use.

Rattan is lightweight and very strong, making it ideal for rough use. The soft texture of Rattan even means that children are safe around rattan furniture. Rattan garden furniture is very cost effective and economical as is tends to be cheaper than solid wood garden furniture and it has a much longer life span.

Price and Purchasing Garden Furniture

When looking to purchase rattan outdoor furniture, look for some of the following things relating to the piece you may be interested in. The larger the diameter of the rattan stem will mean it is better quality. A size of 1 inch in diameter would suggest an adequately sturdy stem and will provide a quality piece of furniture. Rattan should be smooth in texture and devoid of hair like strands sticking out from the piece.

Rattan have a grade like A, B, and C. Grade A is the best quality and will have a smooth texture and similar colour all over. Rattan which is classified as Grade B will have a slightly rougher surface. Grade C Rattan will have a particularly rough surface, and has minor defects and splits in the strands used to make the furniture. Only purchase rattan garden furniture from reputable dealers and suppliers who offer you warranty with your purchase. You should expect a minimum of 12 months manufacturer’s warranty on your purchase

If you follow the advice above you can have peace of mind that you will get quality piece rattan garden furniture.

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